Share and Find Podfics in K-Pop Fandoms!

Tag Us

Did you post a new podfic? Have a rec? Want to promote your fest? Share a podfic resource with the community?

Just tag @kpop_podfic in your tweet and we will retweet!


This account promotes podfic and podficcing in K-Pop fandoms. Follow us to find more podfic, share your own work, or participate in our challenges!

Who should follow this account?
Anyone who wants to find K-Pop podfics or share their own K-Pop podfics with a community.

What kinds of things does this account offer?

We retweet announcements and recommendations of K-Pop podfics

We promote podfic challenges that allow K-Pop content, as well as K-Pop challenges that allow podfics

We run bingos, challenges, and memes to build community

We host an open AO3 collection to make K-Pop podfics easier to find

We share resources for podficcers

Which fandoms does K-Pop Podfic allow?
Fandoms welcome here include BTS, NCT, Stray Kids, EXO, SEVENTEEN, ATEEZ, TXT, TWICE, ENHYPEN, The Boyz, or any other K-Pop fandom! This embraces any K-Pop star regardless of nationality or location.

Can I share previously published podfics with the community?
Sure! We also especially encourage creators to add their own previously published works to our AO3 collection.

Is this a rec account?
Nope. This is a sharing and promotion account. We do share recs made by others (just tag us), but we ourselves do not make recommendations.

Content retweeted on this account are not endorsements by us, but rather a service for the community. This is a sharing account, not a rec account. To be neutral, mods may share their work or make recommendations from their personal accounts, but the official account will not make recommendations. Mods do not listen to every podfic we share. Although mods will endeavor to make this an inclusive space of all K-Pop fandoms, we are rooted in our own specific K-Pop fandoms and welcome (and need) suggestions for outreach and balance.


There are no restrictions on fandom (other than being a K-Pop fandom), pairings, groupings, genre, rating, length, or completion status.

Crossovers with other fandoms are welcome.

Cross-posting with other fests and challenges is okay by us.

Please tag your content well.

Please pay attention to tags and warnings carefully and protect yourself.

For the protection of everyone, and because this account may include NSFW content, this is an 18+ only space.

This account does not welcome works that are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, ableist, or that endorse pedophilia. With the intention of allowing as much creative freedom as possible, but also recognizing that we can't anticipate every scenario, mods reserve the right to make further determinations on a case-by-case basis.

Although we will aim for consistency, guidelines may be revised based on strong community feedback. Any revisions will be announced.

Bingo 2022

Welcome to K-Pop Podfic Bingo 2022!

This bingo is open to people who create podfic and people who listen to it.

Here's how it works:

Sign Ups
You can sign up for a creator card, a listener card, or both

Signups begin on Dec. 15, 2021

Signups close on Dec. 31, 2022

You self-select your own card when signing up

We would love for you to tweet the bingo card(s) you choose to help hype K-Pop Podfic bingo and so we can hype you!

Please review the general rules of this account before participating

Note: we aren't sending confirmation messages

Sign up at: https://forms.gle/FHU5xgmLuFdJBfMJ8
Listener Cards: https://twitter.com/i/events/1471347129105133569
Creator Cards: https://twitter.com/i/events/1471349251527507970

Playing Bingo

Bingo starts on Dec. 15, 2021 and lasts through the entire year of 2022.

Each podfic you post or listen to can count towards one square

If a work-in-progress (WIP), each individual chapter can count for one square

Whether you have a listener or creator card, you can tag our account every time you get a square and we will retweet you, bringing more publicity to podfics

For creators: works must be new, WIPs are ok, there are no minimums or maximums

For creators: You're welcome to add your work to the kpop_bingo ao3 collection

For creators: Crossposting with other bingos, fests, and challenges is ok by us

There is no deadline for the bingo, although we recommend trying to complete your bingo by Dec. 31, 2022

After You Make Bingo
Allowed patterns: horizontal line, vertical line, diagonal line, blackout, and Big X (Big X relevant for 5x5 cards only)

After you make bingo, tag our account with your marked-up bingo card

You can either continue with the same card to make a second bingo or a blackout, or you can choose another card and start over (you don't need to sign up again)

This is meant to be a fun, low-stress activity. It's totally okay if you don't finish and there are no real deadlines.

Sign Up https://forms.gle/FHU5xgmLuFdJBfMJ8

AO3 collection

What's the K-Pop Podfic AO3 collection?
Listeners can go to the K-Pop Podfic AO3 collection to browse K-Pop podfics to enjoy!

Podficcers can post their work to the collection to make it more findable.


How do I post to the collection?
You can either post directly to the collection, or, when editing your work, under "post to collections/challenges," add our collection name kpop_podfic

What is eligible for posting to the collection?
Any of your own podfics in any K-Pop fandom!
Otherwise, content rules are consistent with the general Twitter account rules.

Who can add to the collection?
Any K-Pop podfic creator!

Only creators can add their own works to the collection.

Other AO3 users cannot add your work to the collection.

Mods will not add other people's work to the collection.

Can I add my older podfics to the collection?
Previously published work is very welcome!

Do I have to add my work to the collection in order to participate on the Twitter account?
Nope! It's completely voluntary.

You don't have to add your podfic to the AO3 collection in order to otherwise share your work with us on Twitter. Likewise, you can post to our AO3 collection without sharing your work with us on Twitter.

The AO3 collection is its own thing, just have fun!

How do I remove my work from the collection?
You can remove your work at any time.

Simply edit your work, then under "post to collections/challenges," remove our collection name kpop_podfic.

Mods will not be notified that you have removed your work and no one will know! ;)

Will there be other AO3 collections run by K-Pop Podfic?
We may have additional collections associated with specific challenges/events. You are welcome to cross-post to multiple collections.

Can I cross-post my work to other AO3 collections?
That's fine by us!

What are the collection settings?
Open: anyone can post their own work to the collection (note: other AO3 users do not have the ability to add your work.)

Unmoderated: your work will be added to the collection as soon as you submit it. Mods will remove works only if they violate content rules.

We promise that this collection will never be made anon or hidden by the mods.


We're hosting a podfic giveaway! Enter to receive an audiofic in any K-Pop fandom. You pick the fic, we match your request with a podficcer, and you'll receive the podfic as a gift!

3 Winners. All K-Pop fandoms eligible. Must be 18+ to participate.

To Enter
-Follow Kpop Podfic on Twitter
-Like & RT the announcement tweet
-Reply to the announcement tweet with the last Kpop photo you saved and tag a friend

Ends Mar 3, 2022 11:59 KST

-Any Kpop fandom is eligible! ATEEZ, BTS, EXO, LOONA, NCT, SHINee, SKZ, SVT, TXT--we can do it all!
-Winners will be randomly chosen
-We will do our best to match your first request with one of our podficcers, but please be flexible.
-You can request fics that are up to 5k words long. Some members of our podficcer team are willing to record fics up to 10k!
-We will work with you to seek permission to podfic from the authors of requested fics.
-You are also welcome to request a podfic of one of your own fics
-When they're done, your podficcer will post the podfic publicly on a site of their choice (generally, AO3) and gift it to you!

What is a podfic?
A podfic is like an audiobook of a fanfic. It's a fanfic read aloud by someone, recorded, and posted online. Listeners can often either stream or download podfics from sites like AO3. Check out our AO3 collection for some examples.

What is Kpop Podfic?
Kpop Podfic is a Twitter account that promotes podfic in K-Pop fandoms. We retweet podficcer's work, share news about podfic-related fests and fests that allow podfic, run a bingo for both creators and listeners of podfic, and do events like this giveaway. We welcome all followers whether you are new to podfic or a podfic expert!

What other events does Kpop Podfic run?
At the moment we are running a 2022 bingo with creator and listener cards! Signups are open!

Why podfic?
There are many reasons! Some people prefer to get their fic in audio format. Podfic is great to listen to while traveling, doing housework, getting ready for work, or taking a walk. Podfic can be a lullaby to help you fall asleep at night. Podfic can make written fic more accessible. Plus, podfic is really fun to listen to and to create!

I want to make my own podfic! How do I do it?
We're here to help! The short answer is: find a short fic (under 3k), get permission from the author, record yourself reading the podfic using software like Audacity, Garageband, or on your phone, post the mp3 to a hosting site like Dropbox, and share your work with AO3! We recommend checking out A Newbie's Guide to Podficcing for more detailed help.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/kpop_podfic
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/kpop_podfic
Ask: https://forms.gle/uUFAvNBYUfVVCDzE9